OMAG in Action: Volume 1
6 Common Causes of Workplace Fires
What do you get when you combine building debris, partially installed electric systems, flammable materials, and chemical solvents? You get a high risk of starting a fire in your workplace. Structure fires cause thousands of deaths and millions of dollars in property damage each year. Taking precautions to prevent fires is especially important for municipal employees while doing their day-to-day jobs. The following are six common causes of structure fires:
Haphazard debris disposal – When focused on the task at hand, it’s easy to throw construction debris, empty boxes, and other flammable/combustible materials off to the side and not properly dispose of them. Always throw such debris into a proper waste receptacle. Keep garbage cans and dumpsters a safe distance from heat sources. Keep storage closets and rooms from cluttering up with old paper, wood, paint and other flammable/combustibles.
Temporary electrical systems – Electrical hazards on worksites are so common they have earned 2 spots on OSHA’s Top 10 Safety Violations list. Use of extension cords as a permanent energy source for machines and tools and using multiple power strips together to create more outlets. Both of these can start fires due to poor inspection practices and overloading power systems. Shorts and power surges can cause sparks and result in an electrical fire.
Space heaters – According to the NFPA space heaters are a common fire hazard. Keep space heaters away from flammable/combustible materials, keep them turned off and unplugged when not in use. Don’t hide them under a desk, keep them in the open. Turn them off when you leave a room; don’t leave them unattended. Inspect them and clean them frequently. Dust and debris can easily ignite or sparks from exposed wiring can cause fires.
Smoking in improper areas – An ember from one cigarette is all it takes to burn down an entire building. Allow smoking only in designated areas that are away from flammable/combustible materials. Hang signs to indicate where designated smoking is permitted and where it is not. Dispose of cigarette butts in approved containers and empty them frequently, making sure all butts are completely extinguished.
Cooking food – It’s common for employees to cook food on their lunch breaks. Flammables and combustibles should be kept away from cooking appliances. Don’t overload outlets with kitchen appliances and devices. Clean up after yourself, wash pots/pans, wipe down greasy surfaces, and properly throw away paper and plastic ware. Keep areas under and behind appliances swept and dusted.
Lack of fire protection training and resources – Train all employees on fire safety basics. Make sure they know what and where high fire areas are. Train them to use a fire extinguisher, know where the fire pull stations and emergency exits are, and how to safely evacuate the facility. Keep emergency routes and exits clear. In areas like shops where welding and other hot work are taking place, have someone act as a “fire watch” looking out for fires that may emerge from sparks spreading to flammable/combustible materials. They need to have a fire extinguisher ready for action.
Creating A Winning Attitude
Your attitude can make or break you. It's virtually indisputable that your attitude determines how far you'll go in life and a positive mental outlook can help you achieve optimal success.
Having a positive mental attitude helps you cope with challenges. When you're put to the test, you're more likely to find your inner strengths to overcome adversity, and that strength just might be your winning attitude. Whether or not you have the tools, skills, knowledge, or resources, your attitude can get you through tough times and come out on top.
On the other hand, an attitude filled with negative overtones makes everything much harder. You can't win when you go into the contest prepared to lose! If you expect to do well, your attitude will create positive, winning thoughts that help you succeed.
Cause and Effect
It's important to realize that for every effect in our lives, there's a specific cause. Through positive thoughts, we can control these causes and change effects or outcomes.
In order to change your future for the better, you must first alter your thoughts in the present.
For every positive seed you plant, your thoughts will grow and reward you with a positive harvest. Negative seeds have the opposite effect. They'll grow but result in a spoiled and fruitless crop. You can't plant negative seeds in your mind and expect positive results. It just doesn't work that way.
A vivid and defining difference between people who are successful and those who aren't is the way they think. Successful people visualize their goals and take action to make them happen.
Unsuccessful people dwell on the negative, spend their time and energy complaining, and worry about things that are unimportant. This negativity wastes time and energy that could be harnessed toward achieving your goals.
Practice Makes Perfect
If you hone your positive thinking skills and develop the mental attitudes of a winner, you'll be able to overcome challenges without giving up. No matter how discouraging things may get or how intently others may try to dissuade you, with your winning attitude, you will be unstoppable!
A positive outlook enables you to focus on your goals with a tunnel vision that eliminates negative distractions and keeps you on a chartered course to success.
Train your mind to focus on the good. Develop a positive mantra or affirmation to help you overlook the negative and realize the power of optimism.
Train Your Mind
We often worry about our physical fitness, but do we think much about the fitness of our minds? Just as we train our bodies for peak performance, we must also train our minds by coaching ourselves to think winning thoughts.
An effective way to train your mind is to look at challenges as opportunities instead of obstacles. A problem is only a problem if you allow it to be one. With each challenge comes an opportunity to learn and improve. So, if you search for solutions, you'll find them.
When you internalize this mindset, you're sure to develop a winning attitude for a lifetime and reap the rewards of true success and happiness.
Keeping Pace with the Maintenance of Your Water/Wastewater Systems
In life, we have to take care of ourselves physically and mentally. If we are exercising and eating right, it helps keep us physically fit which also helps us stay mentally fit, because we are not worrying about getting sick. Same goes for the distribution and collection systems for our water/wastewater. We must keep them fit (in good working condition). If we don’t then our systems sooner or later begin to fail. This creates headaches and other pains we must deal with down the road. Issues like water line breaks, sanitary sewer overflows, and low water pressure while fighting a fire.
It is important to have a plan. To develop a maintenance schedule, provide the appropriate equipment, and to train workers to do the job correctly and safely. Part of the problem with our infrastructures today is we have not been vigilant and put forth a constant effort to keep our systems up-to-date and in good working order. It is easy to complete a project or reach a goal and then back off and take a breather. When we spend months or years focused on completing a task, it is only natural to want to relax a bit. But relaxing puts that next deadline or goal in jeopardy. Pretty soon we are operating in “catch up” mode and instead of spending our time keeping our systems maintained and working smoothly, we are simply putting band-aids on little hurts and not curing the debilitating disease that is beginning to consume our systems.
Water/Wastewater jobs are challenging, and the work never ends. There just isn’t time to take it easy. Emergencies are inevitable, there will be ruptured water lines and sewer backups. Best case scenario, you get a little behind in your schedule, worst case, you get caught up in a perpetual game of chasing problems and never get back into a proactive mode. Face it, there will never be time to kick back and relax without consequences. But with a functioning maintenance system in place, the difficult days will be the ones where you hope you can only stay on track, and the easy days are ones you may have a chance to make some progress. Take advantage of those days and persevere on, procrastination never fixed anything. Make the decision to start working on consistently maintaining and updating your water/wastewater systems.
Winterizing Vacant Property
We all know Oklahoma’s weather can be unpredictable and last winter is a perfect example. On October 27, 2020, much of the state experienced an extremely devastating ice storm. I’ve lived in Oklahoma most of my life and have never seen an ice storm of this magnitude that early in the season. In February of 2021, we had 2 weeks of subfreezing temperatures and many of our cities and towns experienced record sub-zero temperatures for multiple days. Then, on April 21, 2021, Oklahoma experienced a record-setting cold front from the Arctic which again was not typical. So, why am I reminding my readers of this unusual weather? As I mentioned, Oklahoma weather is unpredictable and that’s why we must be prepared for it, especially in preparing our vacant buildings for winter weather.
OMAG’s Municipal Property Protection Plan (MPPP) limits coverage for buildings if they are vacant. Please see the below language from page 21 of the MPPP limiting coverage for vacant buildings. You will notice that sprinkler leakage and water damage are not covered if a building is vacant.
3. Vacancy a. If the building or leased premises where loss or damage has occurred has been vacant for more than 60 consecutive days before that loss or damage occurs, OMAG will not pay for any loss or damage caused by any of the following, even if they are Covered Causes of Loss;
(1) Vandalism;
(2) Sprinkler leakage;
(3) Building glass breakage;
(4) Water damage;
(5) Theft, or
(6) Attempted theft.
b. Buildings under construction or renovation are not considered vacant.
c. With respect to a Plan Member, vacant shall mean 70% or more of its square footage is not rented or used to conduct customary operations.
d. With respect to a tenant, vacant shall mean 70% or more of the rented space shall contain enough business personal property to conduct customary operations.
e. Vacant property will be valued at actual cash value.
You can avoid frozen pipes and water damage by taking some simple steps to winterize properly, especially vacant buildings.
Start at the exterior of the building and do the following:
Shut off the water at the street- most water meters are close to the sidewalk or street, make sure your utility department shuts off the water at the meter.
Open your lowest faucets on your property -This is most likely an outside spigot or in a basement. Remove any hoses, drain these faucets first, and keep them open until you have drained the rest of the building’s system. After everything is drained, give the exterior spigots an extra layer of protection with insulation or a bib cover.
Give some attention to water heaters – Turn off the gas or electrical service to the water heaters. After turning off the water heater, drain it completely according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Drain the water system – drain all toilets, toilet tanks, and other pipes, making sure there is as little water in the system as possible. Open the spigots for showers and sinks, starting at the uppermost level and systematically working your way downwards to the lowest level of the building (Those low-level faucets you opened earlier. This will help the draining process.).
Don’t forget the laundry, garage, basement – bathrooms and kitchens will be the primary target areas but be sure you attend to all rooms with running water. Also drain any exterior water lines, like sprinkler systems. It might even be good to blow out the lines with compressed air after the lines have been emptied.
Pour environmentally safe, biodegradable antifreeze into drains – it is recommended to use the type of antifreeze used in boats or RVs. It will help any remaining water in P traps to resist freezing. Treat toilet bowls, tanks, and sinks or any other drains in the facility.
Tape the toilets shut and post “do not use” signs – So people won’t inadvertently use them, tape the toilet lids shut and post signs (Caution: Winterized- do not use).
If you leave the heat on… - be sure the temperature is set to at least 55 degrees Fahrenheit. Even if you leave the heat on, you should still turn off the water and drain the system. Winter storms frequently knock out power for days and could cause pipes to freeze.
What to do if you leave the water on (say if you’re doing renovations or have the property up for sale) – insulate pipes on exterior walls, crawl spaces, and attics. Open cabinet doors to allow heat to circulate around un-insulated pipes under sinks and appliances. Let warm water drip or gently stream (depends on how cold and how long the freeze is) overnight to keep pipes from freezing.
During extreme cold spells inspect the property daily – walkthrough the property looking for damage or potential problems that could lead to pipes freezing and water damage.
If you have questions about your coverage contact Chris Webb, OMAG Director of Underwriting or 1-800-234-9461 ext.1442.
Peace Officer/Dispatcher Background Investigation Forms
Backgrounds are among the most important investigations a law enforcement agency will ever conduct. The way in which a background investigation is conducted can make the difference between hiring an individual who will truly protect and serve versus someone who may cause harm to oneself, the agency, and society.
Background investigations are also among the most challenging investigations to conduct. They must be comprehensive if they are to lead to informed hiring decisions. Past misconduct and other signs of unsuitability must be uncovered so that dangerous or otherwise unfit candidates are screened out. At the same time, inquiries into past performance must stay within the tight parameters of fair employment practices. Furthermore, the areas investigated and the evaluation of the resulting information must be treated consistently across all candidates.
To assist departments with background investigations, OMAG has forms available which can be utilized to conduct thorough background investigations for Police Officers/Dispatchers. Forms can be located and downloaded from the OMAG website at The forms can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format or fillable PDF format. The forms can be edited to put your department’s name at the top of each form. Just copy the link to your browser and it will take you directly to the background investigation forms listed below.
Advisement Regarding the Use of Credit Information for Employment Purposes
Advisement Regarding False Statements
Authorization Advisement to Conduct a Pre-Employment Peace Officer Background Investigation
Authorization To Release Information for Employment – Public Safety Dispatcher
Authorization to Release information for Employment-Police Officer
Background Investigative Check List-Police
CLEET - Department CLEET Records Request
CLEET - Release of Information 4-15-20
CLEET - Notification of Employment 12-12-19
Conditional Job Offer
Cover Letter for Reference Checks
Cover Letter to Landlords
Cover Letter to Past Employers Supervisors
Employment Query Letter
Inquiry Letter for Selective System
Interview Questionnaire for Neighborhood Reference Checks
Introduction and Table of Contents
Personal History Statement and History-Word writeable format
Personal History-Dispatcher_02-18_UNPROTECTED
Police Background Check Cover
PSD-Authorization to Release information for Employment-Dispatcher
PSD-Background Investigation Checklist
Questionnaire for Reference Checks Questionnaire for Past Employers Supervisors
If you have any additional questions, please contact OMAG Law Enforcement Specialist Billy Carter at, phone (405) 919-4516 or Kevin McCullough at, phone (405) 657-1408 .
Preventing Slips on Snow and Ice
To prevent slips, trips, and falls, employers should clear walking surfaces of snow and ice, and spread deicer, as quickly as possible after a winter storm. In addition, the following precautions will help reduce the likelihood of injuries:
Wear proper footwear when walking on snow or ice is unavoidable because it is especially treacherous. A pair of insulated and water-resistant boots with good rubber treads is a must for walking during or after a winter storm. Keeping a pair of rubber over-shoes with good treads which fit over your street shoes is a good idea during the winter months.
Take short steps and walk at a slower pace so you can react quickly to a change in traction when walking on an icy or snow-covered walkway. Test your footing before committing your whole weight in a step. Be mindful of “black ice” (a thin sheet of ice on a surface that may not be visible to the naked eye).
Use your door or the roof of your vehicle when getting in and out. Avoid parking on ice if possible.
Winter Driving
Although employers cannot control roadway conditions, they can promote safe driving behavior by ensuring workers: recognize the hazards of winter weather driving, for example, driving on snow/ice covered roads; are properly trained for driving in winter weather conditions, and are licensed (as applicable) for the vehicles they operate. Drive safely during the winter:
Slow down, take your time, leave earlier than normal
Begin slowing at intersections earlier than normal
Avoid stopping or parking on hills or inclines
Take corners slower than normal
Turn into skids and avoid using the brake
Give plenty of space between your vehicle and others and stop where you can completely see the tires of the vehicle in front of you at stop signs/stop lights
Employers should set and enforce driver safety policies. Employers should also implement an effective maintenance program for all vehicles and mechanized equipment that workers are required to operate. Crashes can be avoided. Employers should ensure properly trained workers inspect the following vehicle systems to determine if they are working properly:
Brakes: Brakes should provide even and balanced braking. Also check that brake fluid is at the proper level.
Cooling System: Ensure a proper mixture of 50/50 antifreeze and water in the cooling system at the proper level.
Electrical System: Check the ignition system and make sure that the battery is fully charged and that the connections are clean. Check that the alternator belt is in good condition with proper tension.
Engine: Inspect all engine systems.
Exhaust System: Check exhaust for leaks and that all clamps and hangers are snug.
Tires: Check for proper tread depth and no signs of damage or uneven wear. Check for proper tire inflation.
Oil: Check that oil is at the proper level.
Visibility Systems: Inspect all exterior lights, defrosters (windshield and rear window), and wipers. Install winter windshield wipers.
An emergency kit with the following items is recommended in vehicles:
Cellphone or two-way radio
Windshield ice scraper
Flashlight with extra batteries
Tow chain
Traction aids (bag of sand or cat litter)
Emergency flares
Jumper cables
Blankets, change of clothes
Winter Work Zone Traffic Safety
Workers being struck by vehicles or mobile equipment lead to many work zone fatalities or injuries annually. Drivers may skid or lose control of their vehicles more easily when driving on snow and/or ice-covered roads. It is, therefore, important to properly set up work zones with the traffic controls identified by signs, cones, barrels, and barriers to protect workers. Workers exposed to vehicular traffic should wear the appropriate high visibility vest at all times so that they are visible to motorists. Workers should also remain vigilant regarding their surroundings while working in work zones. Pay attention to what is going on around you and where you are stepping. Identify potential safety hazards and correct or avoid them.
What You Should Know About Winter Dehydration
Many people associate dehydration with sweltering summer days, or overexertion in hot and humid climates. Dehydration isn’t limited to hot weather, however. You can still get dehydrated in cold weather. Here are some things you should know about winter dehydration, and tips to stay hydrated year-round.
Winter dehydration
Dehydration occurs when your body doesn’t have enough fluid to function properly. While there are a number of factors that affect how much water you need in a day, the average adult needs roughly 100 ounces of water on an average day.
It’s possible to get dehydrated when it’s cold outside, just like it’s possible to get dehydrated when it’s hot outside. In fact, staying hydrated during the summer months can sometimes be easier than staying hydrated in the winter.
Some people get less thirsty in cold weather, so they drink less water in the winter than in the summer. Being less thirsty doesn’t mean that you’re better hydrated, however.
We tend to sweat less in cold weather. Your body still loses moisture in cold weather, but without sweat as an indicator, you might not realize you need to drink water to replenish fluids.
Since people don’t necessarily associate dehydration and cold weather, they may be less likely to make a point to stay hydrated during the winter than during the summer.
Your body loses moisture all day, every day, through respiration, perspiration, urination, and bodily function, regardless of the temperature outside. Of course, temperature can affect the rate at which you lose water. Other factors – such as activity level, diet, and your health – also affect how quickly your body loses moisture.
Tips for staying hydrated in cold weather
Drink water and replenish fluids, especially after or during physical activity.
Don’t rely on thirst to tell you when you need to drink water. Make a point to drink a certain amount of water each day.
Eat your fruits and vegetables! You can get water from the foods that you eat. Not only are fruits and vegetables good for you, but they also help you stay hydrated.
If you find it difficult to drink water when it’s cold outside, drink warm beverages like decaffeinated hot tea, herbal tea, or hot cider.
Always have water with you. A reusable water bottle can help keep you hydrated year-round. If you normally carry water with you during the summer, continue the habit through the winter.
Avoid alcohol and caffeinated drinks that can cause dehydration.
Recognize the signs of dehydration. This can help you remember to drink more water and stay hydrated. Thirst, dark-colored urine, dizziness, fatigue, and dry skin can all indicate dehydration.
The Importance of Law Enforcement Driver Training (LEDT)
Traffic crashes are consistently at the top of OMAG’s list of more costly claims. As the number of crashes increases, injuries and fatalities increase. In the modern patrol vehicle, officers find themselves distracted by radios, cellular phones, laptop computers or mobile communications terminals, in-car video systems, siren boxes, and lighting controls, as well as the constant search for traffic violators and criminal behavior.
Police Officers arguably spend more time driving than any other single task. Sadly, the statistics that reflect the line of duty law enforcement deaths as a result of crashes doesn’t change much from year to year. According to the Officer Down Memorial Page (ODMP), there are nearly 41 officers killed each year in vehicle-related incidents. The unfortunate facts are that the roads are a dangerous place, and many police officers aren’t the expert drivers they would like to think they are. As budgets are evaluated and reduced, funds dedicated to training are typically the first to be cut.
OMAG has a history of helping members address high liability and safety issues through training videos, policy development, workshops, classroom training, practical driver training, and online training. It is because of this commitment to reduce risk and promote safety that OMAG partnered with OSU-OKC’s Precision Driver Training Center in 2006. This top-notch training program aids officers in recognizing their own skill level, the performance their vehicles are capable of, and the effect that environmental factors can have on vehicle operations.
As OMAG received reports on the quality of the training from course participants, we expanded the program to include not just police officers, but any member employee who operates a municipal vehicle. In recent years, the PDTC has trained municipal employees assigned to public works, water/wastewater, EMS, and fire service, as well as law enforcement. The offered courses are beneficial for refreshing and renewing perishable driving skills, as well as improving an individual’s driving techniques. OMAG pays the cost for any OMAG member to attend the PDTC program, which includes the use of an OSU vehicle and hotel stay for those who must travel over 60 miles to the training facility. OMAG members can find more information on OSU’s Precision Driver Training Center at
About the author:
Kevin McCullough is a Law Enforcement Specialist and has been involved in public safety for over 40 years. McCullough is a nationally recognized instructor and has been teaching emergency vehicle operations and law enforcement driver training since 1988.