OMAG Recognition Program

This program is available to members with active coverage through the OMAG Municipal Liability Protection Plan (MLPP).  OMAG believes the best run cities and towns have fewer claims and the claims they incur cost less money to resolve.  The OMAG Recognition Program seeks to strengthen municipal governance and reduce claims through education and self-assessment.


Members who participate in the OMAG Recognition gain the benefit of learning and applying our “Best Practice” methods in constructing effective agendas and conducting business like meetings.


To gain OMAG Recognition governing bodies must certify through official action (Resolution and certified meeting minutes) that once during each fiscal year:

  • each governing body member received OMAG prescribed training – either in person or by distance learning (approved training listed in FAQs)

  • the governing body either adopted/updated/reviewed their governing body handbook.
    (sample handbook here)

  • the governing body completed and reviewed the Stability Test to audit its performance.

(download the Stability Test and Scorecard here)

"Understanding Your Declarations Page"

The Municipality Liability Protection Plan Declarations Page, often abbreviated as Dec Page, is an overview of your coverage and limits for your city or town. If you would like additional information, please contact the OMAG Member Services Dept (sample Dec Page here).

Use the links above to find/download a sample handbook, the Stability Test, and an Explanation of Coverage page.

Your MLPP Declarations page is unique to your municipality and will be found in your policy documents, mailed to you when your policy most recently renewed.

Note that, to be eligible for recognition, your municipality must be current in premium payment and must not have been cancelled due to non-payment in the previous 2 years.

If your questions aren't answered in the Frequently Asked Questions below, contact Bill Tackett at (800) 234-9461 or


Question: When can a municipality apply for OMAG Recognition?

Answer: After the four steps outlined in the OMAG Recognition Program criteria have been completed.

Question: How do I document the governing body has completed the required steps to be eligible to gain OMAG Recognition?

Answer: Place on the governing body’s agenda a Resolution documenting completion of the required steps to be eligible to gain OMAG Recognition.  Send the adopted Resolution and a copy of certified minutes from the meeting at which action was taken to adopt the Resolution and approve the minutes (all members must be present at this meeting) to Bill Tackett, OMAG, 3650 S. Boulevard, Edmond, OK 73013

Question: What qualifies as OMAG prescribed training?

Answer: OMAG prescribed training includes in-person and online training from OMAG (including our online training partner LocalGovU) and/or OML, Mayors Council of Oklahoma, CMAO, OMCTFOA, MESO or National League of Cities training.

Question: Do all governing body members have to receive OMAG prescribed training during the current fiscal year (July 1 through June 30) in order for our municipality to be eligible to achieve Recognition?

Answer:  Yes.

Question: Do the governing body members have to receive OMAG prescribed training together at the same time?

Answer: No, but all must receive OMAG prescribed training during the current fiscal year for the municipality to be eligible to achieve Recognition.

Question: We have filled an unexpired term on our governing body. The incumbent completed OMAG prescribed training prior to resigning their seat but the appointed person has not received OMAG prescribed training. Is our municipality eligible to achieve Recognition?

Answer: Not until the newly-appointed person receives training.  Online training is always available through our partnership with LocalGovU.

Question: We have a vacant seat on our governing body which won’t be filled immediately. All other governing body members have received the prescribed training and we’ve completed all of the four steps. Are we eligible to receive Recognition?

Answer:  YES!

Question: How do I get a sample governing body handbook?

Answer: Click here.

Question: How do I get a copy of the Stability Test?

Answer: Click here.

Question: How do I get a copy of the Explanation of Coverage to review?

Answer:  Click here.

Question: Where do I find a copy of our MLPP Declarations Page?

Answer:  This can be found in your MLPP policy documents, which are on the OMAG Portal. 

Question: Who should take the Stability Test?

Answer: At a minimum, all governing body members must complete the form.  A best practice is to have two or three groups of individuals take the test to rate the municipality.  These groups could include governing body members, senior municipal leadership (clerk, manager, department heads) and appointed members of committees and commissions (such as library, planning and zoning, authorities, etc.)

Question: Why is OMAG so awesome?

Answer: Great members make for a great organization.