Online learning offers training that is convenient, meets regulatory compliance, provides foundational information, and generally increases awareness of exposures in the operations. With its popularity increasing, OMAG has three tools to meet your on-demand training needs. While there is no cost to you to use these tools, we ask that you help us to be good stewards in your use and maintenance of each tool (for example, making sure the list of employees using each tool is a current employee).
Courses available for public safety, law enforcement (many offer continuing education CLEET hours), and local government
This tool is ideal for law enforcement and all other municipal employees
Contact your municipality Admin or use the self-registration link
Lucet EAP Online Learning & Webinars
Live and archived webinars as well as on-demand training available in the areas of Communication, Professional Development, Leadership, and Interpersonal Skills
This tool is ideal for all municipal employees
List of pre-recorded webinars
List of upcoming live webinars
To Access:
Go to >
Company Code: OMAG
From the main menu, hover over Resource Library
Choose "See Full Library"
Choose the "Training Center" icon
NOTE: New Users will need to register
The TEAM Platform
Premier provider with over 350 courses are available across 15 subject matters including Employment Practices, Fleet Safety, Law Enforcement, and Safe Environments
This tool is ideal for all municipal employees
Contact your municipality Admin or use the self-registration link
The OMAG Excavator Education Program is a 1½-hour online certification course tailored for professional excavators. It delivers extensive training on damage prevention to ensure the protection of underground facilities during excavation.
The curriculum is centered on Oklahoma regulations stipulated in the Underground Facilities Damage Prevention Act, as well as Contact Center protocols and industry best practices. Certification is awarded upon passing a 25-question test after the program, with a minimum score of 80%.
Key topics explored in the program include:
Planning and Administering Excavation Projects
Site Preparation and Implementing Safe Excavation Procedures
Identifying Trenching Hazards, Damage Prevention, and Consequences