Preventing Eye Strain

Intense focus on computer screens, TV, reading, or even hours of driving may cause your eyes to become irritated and itchy. This is known as eyestrain. It is a common condition that has become more frequent in this digital device age.

Tips to help prevent eyestrain:

  • 20-20-20 rule – Shift your focus to something other than the activity you are doing every 20 minutes. Focus on an object 20 feet away and look at it for 20 seconds, thus the 20-20-20 rule.

  • Correctly position your screen – Make sure you are looking at your digital device at the proper distance and angle. The screen should be about arm’s length from your eyes. View the screen at slightly below eye level, but not so low you strain your neck to look down. Finally, try enlarging the text.

  • Find the correct lighting – Lighting can be either too dim or too bright. Lighting should be from behind you if you are reading. Dim lights when watching TV or using a computer, this may help reduce eyestrain. Adjust the brightness on devices as needed. Shade the windows and use filters to reduce glare.

  • Multitask correctly – Transcribing notes to your computer may also cause problems not only with eyestrain but with head and neck pain. Position printed material so it is between your keyboard and your computer screen.

  • Use Eye Drops – Focusing intensely on screens can result in a reduction in how many times you blink per minute. Less blinking makes eyes get dry and irritated. Using eye drops can help resolve this issue.

  • Check the Air – If you are working in a space with poor air quality it may cause eyestrain. You can improve the air with a humidifier or keep the heat down.

    1. Wear Proper Eyewear – Talk to your eye doctor to determine if you need special eyewear. You may need specialized lenses, devices, or eye therapy to assist in preventing strain.

    2. Reduce time spent on a single activity – Limit the time you are exposed to a single activity requiring intense focus. Reduce the amount of daily screen time on devices.

    In many cases, making changes such as the ones noted are all you need to treat eyestrain. If you experience eyestrain that is severe or lasts a long time, talk to your doctor. You may need corrective lenses, or it could be a symptom of a more serious condition.

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