Don't Make Disaster Recovery A Personal Disaster

"Before everything else, getting ready is the secret of success." - Henry Ford

The past few years have been tough on everyone. Every other day it seems there are new stories on the next world-ending crisis or celebrity punching match. Never has our attention been pulled in so many directions at once, and 2022 is far from over. As we know our state is prone to severe weather, but have you ever stopped to consider the age of your water pipes and if they happen to run directly over critical infrastructure? You have heard of cyber attacks ramping up in news stories, but have you truly accepted that these threats are something you may one day find yourself facing? Cook County in Illinois did just that. As the first government infected with the WannaCry virus in the US in 2017 they got an all too real-world test of their preparedness. Their response to the event was as follows.

"We initiated our standard security procedures to address the issue. No major Cook County operations are impacted at this time," - Frank Shuftan

Would your response be the same? When was the last time you performed a full disaster recovery test? Do you know what data you have recorded and where? How long would it take you to restore from backup and have you ever tested to ensure they are sufficient for a return to normal operation? How will loss of data impact your day-to-day operations? Is all this information recorded and easily accessible during an adverse event? Unfortunately, there is no secret I can share to remove planning and organization from disaster recovery. On the contrary, doing the hard work before it is needed is the only way to ensure success when you are faced with a disaster recovery event.

It’s safe to say the rules have changed living in our post covid world. With remote work becoming ever more prominent and our continued reliance on technology, we find ourselves more vulnerable than ever. We must strive in our day-to-day lives to remain prepared for routine failures and natural catastrophes alike. We here at OMAG would like to challenge you to start today. Begin with simply putting all the information you have together in one place. Start a discussion with your departments and begin to plan for the unexpected, you may be surprised by what you find.

“A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit.” - Greek Proverb

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