How Cities & Towns Can Stay Safe in Freezing Weather

Freezing temperatures can cause big problems for cities and towns. Roads get icy, water pipes freeze, and power can go out. Here are some simple steps cities can take to keep people safe and things running smoothly during cold weather: 

Protect Pipes, Roads, and Buildings: 

  • Water Pipes: Wrap exposed pipes to keep them from freezing. Check fire hydrants to make sure they work. Remind people to let their faucets drip during very cold weather to stop pipes from freezing. 

  • Roads: Have enough salt and sand ready to spread on icy streets. Make sure snowplows are working and fix any cracks in the roads before they get worse from freezing and thawing. 

  • Buildings: Check that city buildings are insulated to keep them warm and save energy. 

Prepare for Power Outages: 

  • Backup Power: Get generators ready to keep important places, like fire stations and hospitals, running if the power goes out. 

  • Warming Shelters: Open safe, warm places where people can go if their homes get too cold. 

Share Winter Safety Tips: 

  • Use social media, TV, and other ways to remind people how to stay safe. For example, share tips about driving safely on icy roads and keeping pets indoors. 

  • Work with local utility companies to give updates if power or water stops working. 

Practice for Emergencies: 

  • Train city workers on what to do during a freeze. For example, practice clearing roads and opening shelters quickly. 

By getting ready before freezing weather hits, cities can keep people safe and help everyone get through winter with fewer problems. 

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