Train-the-Admin Training
Online learning offers training that is convenient, meets regulatory compliance, provides foundational information, and generally increases awareness of exposures in the operations. With its popularity increasing, OMAG has tools to meet your on-demand training needs.
The TEAM Platform available through our partnership Ambridge, is ideal for all municipal employees, subject matter ranges from employment practices, fleet safety, law enforcement, and safe environments. The platform also includes a robust Crisis Response Tool with downloadable documents to prepare for and use during a crisis.
LocalGovU, a product of Lexipol, is ideal for law enforcement, courses are available for public safety, law enforcement (many offer continuing education CLEET hours), and local government.
We invite your municipality administrators to join our partner experts for virtual Train-the-Admin sessions for each online learning tool.
The TEAM Platform – join us for of the following Train-the-Admin sessions:
Tuesday, June 20, 10:00 am to 11:00 am
Friday, June 23, 10:00 am to 11:00 am
Wednesday, June 28, 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm
LocalGovU – join us for of the following Train-the-Admin sessions:
Tuesday, July 18, 10:00 am to 11:00 am
Thursday, July 20, 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Wednesday, July 26, 11:00 am to 12:00 pm
While there is no cost to you to use these tools, we ask that you help us to be good stewards in your use and maintenance of each tool (for example, making sure the list of employees using each tool is a current employee).
One additional tool available tool for online training is available through our partnership with New Directions EAP. With Live and archived webinars as well as on-demand training in the areas of Communication, Professional Development, Leadership, and Interpersonal Skills. This tool is ideal for all municipal employees and can be accessed through the OMAG website