The OMAG Municipal Front-line Leader Academy (OMFLA or the Academy) equips participants with the skills necessary to build leadership strength, stability, and consistency. It was conceived through feedback from municipal leaders across Oklahoma and is intended to build the knowledge, skills, resources, and connections leaders need to be successful.  

Each element of the Academy is designed to support the municipal leaders’ growth. Leaders will participate in experiential learning, complete call-to-action activities, and share insights through consortium meetings – all with the goal of helping them reach their full potential. The Academy isn’t just about attending class, it’s a partnership that requires each participant to invest time in class and outside of class through practice, reflection, and applying knowledge to develop skills and habits. Participants will get from OMFLA what they invest, so each leader will need to complete 80% of all activities to graduate and become an Academy Fellow.

This leadership program is by far the best due to the material it covers. The instructor keeps leaders engaged and offers a variety of comfort levels.

Participant Testimonials

Click each image below to watch each video

Learn more about the participants and the academy’s expectations:

The front-line leader academy has a lot of expectations for its participants. Outlined below are those expectations as well as a list of each participating member for each class.

Academy participants can expect to:

  • Attend the expectation setting Kick-off meeting.
  • Actively participate in instructor-led, in-person learning events, each with a Call-to-Action that directs intentional practice of learning.
  • Respond to all Call-to-Action follow-up surveys to share how learning is applied.
  • Engage in Legal Brief sessions that introduce the lawful aspects of leadership (in conjunction with an instructor-led event).
  • Engage in open dialogue, using a webcam at the virtual Consortium meetings; openly share in a facilitated discussion to reveal successes, barriers and opportunities of newly learned skills and tools (participants will be expected to use a webcam – scholarships are available for those that do not have one).
  • With a group of other participants, complete an in-class capstone project that encompasses all learning.
  • Celebrate growth and development at graduation.
  • Pay a one-time $25 stipend.

Academy participants can expect:

  • To develop leadership strength, consistency, and stability.
  • To be challenged and stretched, never embarrassed.
  • To gain confidence as a leader.
  • To build strong, trusting relationships with Cohort group members.
  • Open, encouraging communication with your facilitator.
  • Lunch at each in-person event, compliments of OMAG.
Cheryl Adams Assistant General Manager MESO
Steven Bray Streets Manager City of Midwest City
Duncan Brittain Water Superintendent City of Woodward
Scott Dawson Lieutenant Supervisor City of Midwest City Police Department
Jason DeLonais Chief of Police Town of Fletcher
Dustin Downey City Planner City of El Reno
Jamie Hoffman Utility Billing Clerk City of El Reno
Matt Jacobson Accounting Manager OMAG
Terrence Ley Lieutenant Supervisor City of Midwest City Police Department
Lisa Malone Deputy Clerk City of Pryor Creek
Matt McCollough IT Director City of Bartlesville
Hannah Moore Clerk I, HR Director City of Pryor Creek Municipal Utility Board
Julie Mowdy HR Manager City of Tuttle
Susan Mullendore Utility Supervisor City of Midwest City
Christian Rinehart Associate General Counsel Oklahoma Municipal League
Jayne Spies Claims Manager OMAG
Craig Stokes Assistant City Manager of Operations City of Collinsville
Jerry Summers Solid Waste Manager City of Midwest City
Melissa Whitlock Human Resources Director City of Collinsville
Frank Wilson Human Resources Director City of Ponca City
Rachel Bernish Community Development Manager and Emergency Manager City of Chickasha
John Cobb Director Central Oklahoma Economic Development District
Dakota Davis IT Director City of Woordward
Caleb Dawes Property Maintenance Inspector City of Cushing
Brad Dublehead Claims Supervisor OMAG
Shannon Duran City Clerk City of Bixby
Kim Eden Code Enforcement Officer City of El Reno
Willie Green Superintendent City of Cushing
Ryan Hafen Assistant Director Parks & Recreation City of Ponca City
Robert Hancock Route Coordinator City of Midwest City
Marcie Hoskins Utility Service Trainer City of Midwest City
Shamia Jackson City Manager City of Spencer
Lisa Jones Utility Billing Office Manager City of Ponca City
Edward Marsh Assistant PWA Supervisor City of Broken Bow
Susan McDaniel City Clerk City of Chickasha
Angela McGinnis City Clerk City of Collinsville
Eric Mumma Senior Supervisor Water & Wastewater City of Bartlesville
Amber Riley Parks & Events Manager City of Tuttle
Bobby Robinson Park Supervisor City of Bartlesville
Randel Rutledge Assistant Street Superintendent City of Broken Bow
Sarah Sharp City Clerk City of Claremore
Chris Smith Utility Superintendent City of El Reno
Lori Stephens Treasurer City of Collinsville
Chris Whatley Plan Advisor & Portfolio Strategist Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund
Travis Willis Assistant General Manager City of Pryor Creek Municipal Utility Board
Alicia Shelton Accounting & Finance Supervisor City of Bartlesville
Amber Hall City Clerk City of Marlow
Amee Oblander Payroll/Benefits Specialist City of Woodward
Amy Smith Field Services Director City of El Reno
Ashley Geddes Assistant Parks and Recreation Director City of Yukon
Cecilia Taft City Clerk/Office Manager/Treasurer City of Spencer
Donny Jackson Water department supervisor City of Collinsville
Harold Call Fire Chief City of Bartlesville
Jamie Scrivner Dir. of Finance/HR City of Catoosa
Jesse Beck Environmental Services Director City of Ponca City
Jessica Green Senior Code Enforcement Officer City of Chickasha
Kevin Reber Assistant Public Works Director City of The Village
Lacy Creech Human Resources Generalist Tahlequah Public Works Authority
Lindsay Porter Recordkeeping Manager Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund
Loran Mayes Mayor City of Wilburton
Micah Snyder Senior Planner City of Bartlesville
Sara Johnson Deputy City Clerk City of Yukon
Sandra Albright Payroll Clerk City of Lindsay
Season Nix Court Clerk City of El Reno
Shirley Grose HR Director City of Anadarko
Steve Sullivan General Manager Electric Utilities City of Ponca City
Tera Shows Communications Manager City of Muskogee
Teresa Coplen Animal Welfare Manager City of Midwest City
Zachariah Taylor Water Superintendent City of Woodward
Bill Stith Supervisor Public Works City of Spencer
Cindy Cooper City Clerk City of Krebs
Crystal Poage Public Works Office Specialist III City of Tuttle
David Dalton Claims Director OMAG
Dian Jordan Mayor Town of Hochatown
Dustin Wilson Assistant Police Chief Town of Fletcher
Elizabeth Sloat City Clerk City of Lindsay
Jean Ann Wright Mayor City of Stilwell
Kelly Danner City Clerk-Treasurer City of Nicoma Park
Kyle Waid Insurance Services Director OMAG
Lisa Lewis Deputy City Clerk City of Lindsay
Lucy Christian Billing Supervisor City of Bixby
Makynlee Young Parks & Recreation Supervisor City of Broken Bow
Melissa Douglas Member Relations Specialist Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority
Sheri Van Dorn Utility Billing Supervisor City of Woodward
Terry Adams Lab Tech Pryor Creek Municipal Utility Board
Thomas Buckley Manager, Dale Robertson Senior Center City of Yukon
Ty Admire Wastewater Superintendent City of Woodward
Zane Norris Wastewater Treatment Supervisor City of Sapulpa
Anthony Smallwood Water Treatment Plant Manager Durant
Brian Henry Development Director Perry
Charlene Avila Town Clerk/Court Clerk/Code Enforcement Officer Fletcher
Chris Cathey Assistant Street Superintendent Broken Bow
Dale Griffith Fire Chief Spencer
Donald Cummins City Council Ward 1 Seat 1 Waynoka
Janey Rowden Chief of Staff CLEET
Jim Fairbanks City Engineer Ponca City
Jody Shahan Golf Course Superintendent Bartlesville
Katrin Burton Code Enforcement Officer Chickasha
Kenneth Bradley Building Official Ponca City
Kevin Darrow Retirement Administrator Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund
Kristina Warta City Clerk Broken Bow
Lisa Rogers Deputy City Clerk Claremore
Marcus Thurman Chief of Police Spencer
Matthew Burleson Multimedia & Branding Specialist OMAG
Mitchel Reida Superintendent, Streets, Parks, Cemetery Tuttle
Paul Cottrell City Planner Durant
Phillip Hightower Public Works Director Durant
Regina Jones City Clerk Anadarko
Robin Betts HR Director Bartlesville
Robin Murray HR Director Piedmont
Ryan Conner City Planner Mustang
Ryan Williams Superintendent of Parks Woodward
Santiago A. Lechuga Deputy City Clerk-Treasurer Altus
Saresa Green Deputy City Clerk Nicoma Park
Shannon Green Accounts Payable/Assistant Payroll The Village
Shawn Bush Assistant Director of Broadband Ponca City
Shawn Strange Emergency Management Director Anadarko
Tiffany Tillman Town Administrator Hennessey
Travis Merritt Superintendent of Building Maintenance Woodard
Tobey Kendall Streets & Parks Supervisor Collinsville

Learn more about the participants and the academy’s expectations:

The front-line leader academy has a lot of expectations for its participants. Outlined below are those expectations as well as a list of each participating member for each class.

Academy participants can expect to:

  • Attend the expectation setting Kick-off meeting.
  • Actively participate in instructor-led, in-person learning events, each with a Call-to-Action that directs intentional practice of learning.
  • Respond to all Call-to-Action follow-up surveys to share how learning is applied.
  • Engage in Legal Brief sessions that introduce the lawful aspects of leadership (in conjunction with an instructor-led event).
  • Engage in open dialogue, using a webcam at the virtual Consortium meetings; openly share in a facilitated discussion to reveal successes, barriers and opportunities of newly learned skills and tools (participants will be expected to use a webcam – scholarships are available for those that do not have one).
  • With a group of other participants, complete an in-class capstone project that encompasses all learning.
  • Celebrate growth and development at graduation.
  • Pay a one-time $25 stipend.

Academy participants can expect:

  • To develop leadership strength, consistency, and stability.
  • To be challenged and stretched, never embarrassed.
  • To gain confidence as a leader.
  • To build strong, trusting relationships with Cohort group members.
  • Open, encouraging communication with your facilitator.
  • Lunch at each in-person event, compliments of OMAG.