Chair, Tim Lyon
City Manager- Midwest City
Phone: (405) 739-1201
Email: tlyon@midwestcityok.org
The Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group is pleased to announce that Tim Lyon, City Manager for the City of Midwest City, has been newly elected to the OMAG Board of Trustees.
Tim has a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree from Oklahoma State University. In 1986 he began his municipal career as the Administrative Assistant to the Edmond City Manager. Tim then worked for the Center for Local Government Technology at OSU and was the Deputy Director of the Association of County Commissioners, where among other duties he helped manage their workers’ compensation and property and casualty pools. In 2000, he became the Human Resources Director for Midwest City and then served as the Assistant City Manager. In 2019, Tim was appointed City Manager.
Tim and his wife, Rhonda, have two adult children. Their son is a firefighter in Stillwater and their daughter is a registered nurse.
The City of Midwest City participates in OMAG's Municipal Liability Protection Plan and Municipal Property Protection Plan.

Vice Chair, Lindsey Grigg
City Clerk - City of El Reno
Phone: 405-295-9310
Email: lgrigg@cityofelreno.com
Lindsey Grigg is a native of Oklahoma and has been with the City of El Reno for over 13 years. Lindsey holds a Bachelor of Arts in Communication and a Master's Degree of Science in Management.
Lindsey received the City of El Reno Employee of the Year in 2015. She has served on the Oklahoma Municipal Clerks, Treasurers, and Finance Officials Association (OMCTFOA) board since 2016, currently serving as Treasurer and Sponsorship Chairman. She has managed the OMCTFOA media outlets and website since 2017. Lindsey was the 2018 OMCTFOA Member of the Year. She currently serves as President for the Oklahoma Association of Public Treasurers US&C, the Parliamentarian, and is on the Marketing and Advertising Committee for the International Institute of Municipal Clerks.
The City of El Reno participates in OMAG's Municipal Liability Protection Plan and Municipal Property Protection Plan.

Secretary, Justin Battles
Assistant City Manager - City of Mustang
Phone: 405-376-4521
Email: jbattles@cityofmustang.org
Mr. Battles is currently the Assistant City Manager in Mustang, a community that he has served for over 21 years. During that period, Justin has witnessed a high-growth environment and the challenges that presents. He is a City Management Association of Oklahoma Accredited Manager and was inducted into the Mustang Chamber of Commerce Hall of Fame in 2015. Justin currently serves on the City Managers Association of Oklahoma Executive Board, the International City/County Management Association Conference Planning Committee, and the Redlands Community College Foundation Committee.
Justin and his wife, Danae, have three children. Their son is a firefighter in Tuttle, and both daughters are in high school.
The City of Mustang participates in OMAG's Municipal Liability Protection Plan and Municipal Property Protection Plan.

Trustee, Michael Bailey
City Manager - City of Bartlesville
Phone: (918) 338-4282
Email: mlbailey@cityofbartlesville.org
Mike is a Certified Public Accountant who has worked for the City of Bartlesville in various leadership roles for over 12 years. He currently serves as the City Manager for the City of Bartlesville.
At the State level, Mike currently serves on the Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group, Oklahoma Municipal Liaison Board to the Oklahoma Tax Commission, and the Oklahoma Mid-Sized Cities Coalition. Locally, Mike serves on the board of the Bartlesville Regional United Way and the Bartlesville Chamber of Commerce. He is also a past board member of Leadership Bartlesville, YMCA, Boy Scouts, Friends of the Library, Oklahoma Municipal Clerks, Treasurers, and Finance Officers Association, United Way Community Investment Committee, Governmental Finance Officers Association of Oklahoma, and chaired the Retail Committee of the 2013 Angelou Strategic Plan.
The City of Bartlesville participates in OMAG's Municipal Liability Protection Plan and Municipal Property Protection Plan.

Trustee, Pam Polk
City Manager - City of Durant
Phone: 580-931-6600
Email: ppolk@durant.org
Ms. Polk is currently the city manager in Durant. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and a Master’s degree. Pam is the first, and only, female city manager in Oklahoma to be credentialed through the International City/County Management Association based in Washington, D.C. She was awarded the prestigious Gerald Wilkins Award for Oklahoma City Manager of the Year in 2017. Ms. Polk also serves on the Oklahoma Municipal League Board of Directors as well as numerous other boards.
The City of Durant participates in OMAG's Municipal Liability Protection Plan, Municipal Property Protection Plan, and Workers’ Compensation Plan.

Trustee, Craig Stephenson
City Manager - City of Ponca City
Phone: (580) 767-0301
Fax: (580) 767-0344
Email: stephca@poncacityok.gov
Craig Stephenson has 30 years of extensive experience in municipal government, serving the cities of Dodge City, Kansas, Enid and Ponca City, Oklahoma. He became the City Manager of Ponca City in 2009.
Craig received his B.A. and M.S. in Political Science from Fort Hays State University in Hays, Kansas, his Credentialed Manager designation from the International City Managers Association, and Accredited Manager designation from the City Management Association of Oklahoma.
He is a director on the board of Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group, holding the office of Chair, and City Managers Association of Oklahoma, Past President and serving as a member of the CMAO Ethics Committee. He serves as President of the Oklahoma Chapter of the American Society of Public Administration. Craig is Co-Chair of the Northeast Region of the Oklahoma Academy.
He received the Gerald D. Wilkins 2014 City Management Award for outstanding municipal government service. Craig is a member of the Oklahoma Hall of Fame for City and Town Officials Class of 2018.
The City of Ponca City participates in OMAG’s Municipal Liability Protection Plan and the Municipal Property Protection Plan.

Trustee, Vickie Patterson
City Manager- City of Broken Bow
Phone: (580) 584-2885
Fax: (580) 584-6898
Email: citymgr@pine-net.com
Vickie began her career with Broken Bow in May 1997 at the City landfill and after 6 months transferred to City Hall as the Utilities Billing Clerk. In August 2005, she was promoted to City Clerk/Treasurer for the City and its Trusts, handling HR/Payroll; employee health insurance; workers’ compensation; auto, equipment and GL insurance coverages; minutes and agendas; and helping prepare the annual budget. She became City Manager in August 2011.
Her team is currently working on numerous projects, including infrastructure expansion and development projects as well as economic development. Broken Bow purchased 11 acres along the state highway and has installed sewer to help recruit new businesses. The City also accepted the donation of several downtown buildings that they are currently marketing for new business.
Vickie is married to Wade Patterson, who is the Executive Director at McCurtain County E.M.S. She and Wade are the proud parents of 5 children.
The City of Broken Bow participates in OMAG's Municipal Liability Protection Plan, Municipal Property Protection Plan, and Workers' Compensation Plan.